About Us

Ebi Alaibe Elezieanya is the genial, vibrant brand creator of Hermosa.

Beneath her lively and audacious persona, lies a very sound and very old soul driven by a founded concern for the decline of modesty in women’s fashion; as well as the industry’s seeming state of oblivion to a downward glide in the moderate female fashion outlook. That concern drove Ebi’s plunge into fashion in the first quarter of 2019; it was from inception, a deep dive aimed at clothing modest elegant women for their journey of purpose. To actualize that vison, Ebi began to translate inspired designs that came to mind into lines of crisp, sophisticated modist shirts for women. The mini collections became a hot item within and without her social circles. That warm reception propelled the set up of a private atelier to cater to a growing clientele in Abuja, Nigeria. That atelier produced a string of made to measure mini-collections that again met with positive reviews.

In 2023, those reviews caught the attention of African Fashion circles in the UK and earned Hermosa an invitation to Vanity Hub Africa, an official London Fashion Week show showcasing African’s leading luxury fashion designers to the world. Today, Hermosa provides a stylish modest alternative to the racy “girlfriend” womenswear that has become almost inescapable in modern female fashion. Her designs embody a style that is graceful yet expressive, sophisticated and bold. In exclusive collections, Hermosa continues to seasonally release these extra-ordinarily timeless pieces created thoughtfully for women whose inspirational style are underpinned by deeply conservative spiritual roots. She remains committed to the idea of advancing moderation and elegance in women’s fashion, as well as employing Hermosa’s creations to help women feel empowered, regal and inspired as they multi-laterally pursue true purpose.


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Create a meeting point for expressive sophistication and innate modesty.

To chaperone spiritually inspired and spiritually rooted women on their journey of purpose.

Be the reference modest brand as far as exclusively bespoke, gorgeously crafted, timeless fashion products are concerned.

Our Core Values


Creative Sophistication: Infusing innovation, originality, and artistic expression into every facet of design, production, and brand identity for a distinct and sophisticated appeal.

Timeless Craftsmanship: Upholding an unwavering commitment to crafting high-quality garments and accessories that are durable, functional, and meticulously handmade to stand the test of time.

Trendsetting Elegance: Striving to set trends while embracing timeless and versatile designs that embody the brand’s aesthetic essence with elegance and grace.

Ethical Excellence: Championing ethical and environmentally responsible practices in every step of the supply chain, from responsible sourcing to reducing waste and minimizing the carbon footprint.


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